Guardians of the Globe (2024)

The Guardians of the Globe are a superhero team of extraordinary individuals, considered to be the best of the best. Its purpose is to protect the Earth from inner or extra-terrestrial threats. Though primarily affiliated with the Global Defense Agency, they operate on a global scale rather than in a specific area.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Background Information
    • 1.2 Attack on the White House
    • 1.3 Omni-Man's Massacre of the Guardians of the Globe
    • 1.4 Recruiting a New Team
    • 1.5 Internal Issues
    • 1.6 Battling Machine Head
    • 1.7 Battle Beast Aftermath
    • 1.8 Revelation of Omni-Man
  • 2 Members
    • 2.1 Original Roster
      • 2.1.1 The Immortal
      • 2.1.2 Darkwing †
      • 2.1.3 War Woman †
      • 2.1.4 Red Rush †
      • 2.1.5 Aquarus †
      • 2.1.6 Martian Man †
      • 2.1.7 Green Ghost †
    • 2.2 New Roster
      • 2.2.1 Robot
      • 2.2.2 Black Samson
      • 2.2.3 Rex Splode
      • 2.2.4 Dupli-Kate
      • 2.2.5 Monster Girl
      • 2.2.6 Shrinking Rae
    • 2.3 Expanded Roster
      • 2.3.1 Bulletproof
      • 2.3.2 Shapesmith
  • 3 Trivia
  • 4 Appearances


Background Information[]

The team was originally founded during the late 20th century and was primarily sponsored by the Global Defense Agency. It's original members compromised of The Immortal, Darkwing, War Woman, Red Rush, Aquarus, Martian Man, Black Samson, and Green Ghost I. Their headquarters was funded by Darkwing and War Woman's company.

Black Samson would eventually lose his abilities due to unknown means, which caused him to leave the team. Later on, the original Green Ghost was killed in action and female Green Ghost took his place.

Attack on the White House[]

When the Mauler Twins emerge from the White House lawn and are about to kill Steve, an on-watch Security Guard. Red Rush, Green Ghost and Darkwing assist in evacuating and saving civilians and soldiers from the area, Aquarus, War Woman, The Immortal and Martian Man begin the assault on the Twins. After being trapped under a tank whilst protecting a civilian, Darkwing uses his grappling hook to save her at the cost of his life but is saved seconds before death by Omni-Man.

Guardians of the Globe (1)

War Woman lands a blow on one of the Twins as Red Rush, The Immortal and Aquarus engage the other as Green Ghost phases their bodies into the asphalt, with Martian Man binding them together as Red Rush pummels them. Darkwing places a series of explosives onto one of the Twins backs as he is struck by War Woman, sending him into the air and landing onto his counterpart. Darkwings explosives are activated on impact defeating the Twins.

Omni-Man's Massacre of the Guardians of the Globe[]

The Guardians are shown in their down-time with Red Rush being distracted with his superhero duties during a picnic with his wife Olga, The Immortal fighting an airborne villain who's suit is laden with plutonium, Aquarus who is bored in his underwater home, War Woman being told about a product, Haven Storm 4.0, Martian Man expanding themselves with the help of a child called Nikki, Green Ghost in her civilian form as a photographer and Darkwing preventing a robbery when their alert bracelets sound.

With all members accounted for at Guardians Headquarters, The Immortal asks why Darkwing summoned them but is confused. War Woman deduces that no Guardian alerted them as Red Rush pushes The Immortal out of the path of Omni-Man's attack. Shocked by the assault, the Guardians begin attacking him as Red Rush uses his speed to move them from Omni-Man's attacks but is caught by Omni-Man during his assault and his head is crushed. Angered, Martian Man expands around Omni-Man as War Woman attacks him but breaks free and slams War Woman's face into the ground. Darkwing throws a series of explosives but miss Omni-Man as he prepares to land on Omni-Man, but Darkwing is grabbed by his ankle and is slammed to the floor instantly killing him. Omni-Man then throws the lifeless Darkwing into Green Ghosts arms as he punches through Green Ghosts head and uses her body to deflect Aquarus jet stream. The Immortal assumes Omni-Man is being controlled, but War Woman declares that regardless of their relationship to Omni-Man, he must be stopped by any means. War Woman successfully lands a blow on Omni-Man's temple disorienting him but regains control and grabs her staff, using it to slaughter Aquarus. Martian Man once again wraps himself around Omni-Man as The Immortal and War Woman begin punching rapidly. Omni-Man kills Martian Man by ripping out his life force and punches through The Immortal's body as War Woman's neck is snapped. In his final moments, The Immortal asks why but Omni-Man doesn't reply, dismembering The Immortal's head from his body.

Exhausted, Omni-Man falls to the ground. The Global Defense Agency learn of the assault as paramedics attempt to preserve the leftovers of the Guardians as Omni-Man is taken to The Pentagon treat his injuries.

Recruiting a New Team[]

Guardians of the Globe (9)

At the private funeral of the original Guardians, Cecil Stedman offered Robot a job at the GDA so he could build him a new Guardians of the Globe, only answering to him.

At the Pentagon, many heroes gathered from all around the globe to become one of the new members. In the end, Robot introduces the new Guardians: Black Samson, Shrinking Rae, Dupli-Kate, Monster Girl, and Rex Splode. Monster Girl's addition to the Guardians amuses Rex which leads to a brawl between the two, eventually ending after Invincible defuses the situation. After the brawl, Robot mentioned Atom Eve as a new Guardian, however she told him that she could not be on the same team as Rex and Kate and leaves.

Internal Issues[]

Robot informs the new recruits about their training schedule, with Rex complaining about how early it would be. However, Robot tells him that they are no longer Teen Team, with Black Samson telling him he needs experience. When Rex insults Black Samson for losing his powers, he subtly threatens him and tells Robot they needed a real leader and not a bunch of ones and zeroes, stating that he could be the leader instead. However, Shrinking Rae points out that team needed more teamwork, which Robot agrees to. Everybody leaves and Black Samson congratulates Robot sarcastically. After everybody left, Monster Girl told Robot that she could not do three combat exercises a day, due to the nature of her powers. Robot apologizes and sympathizes, but Monster Girl believes there was no way he could understand since he was a Robot. From above, Omni-Man observes, describing what he had seen as pathetic.

After forensic investigations concluded, the new recruits moved into the Guardians' headquarters. Black Samson mentions it is good to be home again, which annoys Rex. Cecil walks in and tells them to not be too excited since it was their job. When Rex points out an uncleaned blood splatter in the wall, Cecil tells them that he had left that there as a reminder, before leaving. Monster Girl asks Rex if they are cool to which he responds they are, Robot walks up to Rex and tells him not to let his personal life to meddle with his professional one to which Rex responds by telling him to grow a pair. However, Robot mentions that he was giving him an order, patting him on the shoulder with a needle which slightly hurt Rex.

The new Guardians celebrate a victory against the Lizard League. They all celebrate with beers except for Robot and Black Samson, who emits a high frequency, which shatters their bottles. Black Samson berates them that people were in the hospital because they had not fought as a team. They go through the fight and Black Samson lectures them on what they could have done to save lives, but Rex was unhappy and told him they had done their best and won.

Battling Machine Head[]

Later, as Mark tries getting up while taking down Machine Head who had hired supervillains to take him down, the Guardians of the Globe show up. They mention that Cecil had gotten an anonymous call and would take it from there.

Guardians of the Globe (10)

However, the hired supervillains were able to swiftly defeat the Guardians with ease, with Battle Beast mentioning he believed Earth had worthy opponents but was sorely disappointed. Battle Beast raises his mace and states to Invincible that killing him would be an act of mercy. Black Samson tries to shoot at him, but his tech fails and Invincible is struck in his stomach and stops responding. Black Samson removes his broken suit and charges toward Battle Beast, who rips his hand from his wrist and throws him, cracking his head. Monster Girl tries to defeat Battle Beast as well, but is also swiftly defeated. Robot shoots Battle Beast in retaliation and while the Guardians looked at their fallen friends, they told the supervillains that they had messed up.

Working together, they share an intense encounter with the villains and defeat all of them except for Battle Beast, who says there was no honor in killing insects and leaves. Machine Head is eventually knocked out by Rex as Robot holds Monster Girl heavily injured body. As Mark awakens, Titan tells him that he did not mean for things to turn out the way they did before leaving.

Battle Beast Aftermath[]

Guardians of the Globe (11)

Invincible, Monster Girl, and Black Samson are rushed into the Global Defense Agency's ER. Black Samson was fibrillating, but they did not manage to wake him. Much to their surprise, he suddenly started emitting light waves which caused energy surges, but also gave him a heartbeat. After their recovery, Robot walks up to Monster Girl and Samson, from the other room saw he really cared for her. Robot tells him it was good to see him awake and explains that he was programmed to care for all humans, but he reminded him that he did not go to the Arctic for him. Black Samson tells Robot that he feels even better than when he lost his powers. Robot tells him to go back to HQ while he remained there with Monster Girl recovered.

When Samson left, Robot put his hand on her face and she suddenly awoke. She asks if they had won, and he says that they had thanks to her and he had never left while she recovered. Monster Girl is welcomed back by the Guardians, who all hug her. Rex tells them all they should party, handing her a milk carton which has beer in it. Monster Girl asks Black Samson why he had gotten his powers back, and he tells her he thinks it was because he was putting up with Rex. Robot tells her he is glad she had recovered and tells her he would never let her die, but repeated the word die many times, which the Guardians in shock.

Revelation of Omni-Man[]

Cecil tells the Guardians to be quiet and sit tight until they were called. Rex is desperate and says they needed to know what was happening, which Black Samson agrees with. He asks if Robot can find out, but Robot did not respond. Rex hits the robot on the head until they are approached by the new Robot. He presents himself as Rudolph Connors, saying robot was simply a drone he controlled remotely. As Rudy tells the Guardians everything that had happened, Rex questions him as to why he had picked his body, with Monster Girl eventually realizing that he had done it for her. Rudy explains that he sympathized with Monster Girl as they were both people trapped in their bodies. Monster Girl goes through everything Robot had done and said that she needs time to process it.

Black Samson calls the Guardians and tells them he knew why they were on high alert. They see a video of Omni-Man destroying the satellite, confusing the already perplexed Rex. The Guardians call Cecil to say they should help, but he tells them to stay where they are until he told them to move, stating that they would be their last hope against Omni-Man. Rex is confused, but everybody confirms they heard what he did and they remember what had happened to the original Guardians of the Globe. The Guardians then look in shock as they see the recently resurrected Immortal attacks, and eventually gets killed by Omni-Man, confirming their previous suspicions.

Guardians of the Globe (12)

The Guardians watch Nolan and Mark's transmission as they fight. Dupli-Kate suggests going to help them, but Rudy tells them that they needed to follow Cecil's orders and stay in the bunker since the battle was beyond their capabilities. Black Samson agrees, but Eve flies in, asking what was happening. Rex tells her that Omni-Man was fighting him, so Rudy says that he hopes Mark lives up to his name. The Guardians watch as the fight between Omni-Man and Invincible unfolds. Black Samson tells them to gear up because even if they could not stop the fight, they could save lives. Rudy tries to remind them of Cecil's orders, but Shrink Rae tells him they don't care, and Monster Girl walking up to him to remind him that he wasn't a Robot anymore.

After Omni-Man left Earth, the Guardians return to their bunker, exhausted. Rex walks up to the blood stain on the wall and cleans it, but Black Samson tells him that they had not earned it yet. Rex tells him to f*ck off, but when Black Samson grabs him, the Guardians all support Rex, so Black Samson drops him and told him that they were finally a team, helping him with the stain.


Original Roster[]

The Immortal[]

The Immortal is a Celtic warrior that was granted immortality, along with flight, super strength, and durability, from a mysterious spiral of energy. After several millennia living various lives among the human race, he became a superhero and leader of the original Guardians of the Globe. Along with his fellow teammates, he was eventually betrayed and killed by Omni-Man, being punched through the stomach before being decapitated. The Mauler Twins later revived him, at which point, Immortal sought out and battled Omni-Man in a rematch, one which ended with Immortal once again being killed, this time via bisection. His body was later recovered by the Global Defense Agency, who sought to revive him once more. A month after Omni-Man left Earth, the GDA had successfully resurrected him and he was once again put in charge of the Guardians of the Globe, replacing Robot.


Darkwing was a gadget-wielding hero who protected Midnight City alongside his protegee, Nightboy. He also co-funded the Guardians alongside War Woman. His arsenal consisted of a hoverboard, magnetic handcuffs, a grapple gun, explosive devices, and a jet. He was also a skilled combatant, capable of taking down multiple opponents with ease. Darkwing was killed by Omni-Man, being slammed onto the ground until his head exploded.

War Woman[]

Holly was a corporate CEO who co-funded the Guardians alongside Darkwing, and served as the team's second-in-command as the warrior and superhero War Woman. She could fly, had super strength, speed, and durability, and carried a mace into battle. She was killed by Omni-Man, having her neck snapped 180 degrees.

Red Rush[]

Josef was a Russian speedster who acted as the original Guardians of the Globe's first responder under the code name Red Rush. His perception of time is faster than a normal human, leading him to get bored easily with how slow events appear to him. He was killed by Omni-Man, having his head crushed between the Viltrumite's hands.


Aquarus was a hydrokinetic humanoid fish creature who ruled an undersea nation alongside his wife, Queen Aquaria. He was killed by Omni-Man, having his head smashed apart with a single swing from the Viltrumite using War Woman's mace.

Martian Man[]

Martian Man was an exiled Martian hero who could fly, had some degree of super strength, and become elastic, a form he mainly uses to ensnare enemies. He was also very close friends with Aquarus. Martian Man was killed by Omni-Man, who tore his central core from his body while the Martian had him ensnared in his elastic form.

Green Ghost[]

Alana was a fashion photographer who possessed a green amulet which, when ingested, turned her into the Green Ghost, a green entity who could fly and become intangible. She could also make others intangible just by touching them. She was killed by Omni-Man, who thrust his hand straight through her head after throwing Darkwing's corpse at her to distract her.

New Roster[]


Rudolph "Rudy" Connors is a human/cybernetic superhero. Originally the leader of the Teen Team, Robot is a deformed human operating various Robot drones from a special pod designed to keep him alive. After being tasked by Cecil Stedman to create a new Guardians of the Globe, he developed feelings for new teammate Monster Girl, while also clashing with veteran hero Black Samson. Later, he used the Mauler Twins to clone a new body for himself using the DNA of teammate Rex Splode as a template. After the clone Rudy was created, the original accepted his fate and died. The clone Rudy then returned to the Guardians and revealed his actions to them, which surprised them. He was replaced by the Immortal as leader of the Guardians of the Globe due to his lack of experience with his new body.

Black Samson[]

Markus Grimshaw is a human superhero who wears a power suit to amplify his strength. He was part of the original Guardians of the Globe, but left the team after an incident where he lost his powers. After a disastrous encounter with Battle Beast, attempts to save his life resulted in his powers, super strength, stamina, and durability, returning.

Rex Splode[]

Rex Sloan is a human superhero that can accelerate molecules using kinetic energy to form explosives. Originally part of the Teen Team, he was later selected to join the new Guardians after Omni-Man killed the original roster. He was previously in a relationship with Atom Eve until he cheated on her with fellow teammate Dupli-Kate. Though hot-headed, jerkish, and somewhat cowardly, Rex's experience working with the Guardians led to him developing some maturity.


Katherine "Kate" Cha is a human superhero who can duplicate herself at will. Originally part of the Teen Team, she was later selected to join the new Guardians of the Globe.

Monster Girl[]

Amanda is a human superhero who can shapeshift into a large troll-like monster, though by doing so her physical body regresses. This is a side-effect of the curse placed onto her that gave her her powers. After joining the new Guardians, she developed close bonds with both Robot and Rex Splode.

Shrinking Rae[]

Rachel, better known as Shrinking Rae is a human superhero who can shrink her body. She had previously worked as a solo hero before being selected to join the new Guardians of the Globe.

Expanded Roster[]


Zandale Randolph better known as Bulletproof is a human superhero who can absorb kinetic energy. He also flies and has super strength, and became an secondary member of the expansion Guardians of the Globe team.


Shapesmith is a Martian superhero, similar to his predecessor, he can stretch his limbs, but also shape shifts, he became a member of the expanded Guardians of the Globe team.


  • The Guardians of the Globe is based off of the Justice League of America from DC Comics, with the original team rooster representing the League's most famous members; Darkwing for Batman, War Woman for Wonder Woman, Red Rush for the Flash, Aquarus for Aquaman, Martian Man for Martian Manhunter, and Green Ghost for Green Lantern. With Omni-Man, he is the series's version of Superman, although he was never officially a member of the Guardians and had no leadership position whatsoever within the team.
    • The Immortal and Black Samson are the only two who do not appear to have clear counterparts to any League member. The Immortal appears to be based on Vandal Savage and Black Adam, which are two major villains in the DC Universe. Black Samson was loosely inspired by Black Lightning from DC Comics as well as Marvel's Luke Cage.
  • The name "Guardians of the Globe" may be a reference to Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.
  • Many of the Guardians of the Globe had their designs changed in the show to fit their voice actors.
    • Many of their voice actors were chosen due to their work in The Walking Dead.
    • It's unknown what happened to the original green ghost, he could've been killed in battle, retired, or went missing.


Season 1
1. "It's About Time":Appears5. "That Actually Hurt":Appears
2. "Here Goes Nothing":Corpse6. "You Look Kinda Dead":Appears
3. "Who You Calling Ugly?":Appears7. "We Need To Talk":Appears
4. "Neil Armstrong, Eat Your Heart Out":Appears8. "Where I Really Come From":Appears
Invincible: Atom Eve:Appears
Season 2
1. "A Lesson For Your Next Life":Appears5. "This Must Come as a Shock":Appears
2. "In About Six Hours, I Lose My Virginity to a Fish":Appears6. "It's Not That Simple":Appears
3. "This Missive, This Machination!":Appears7. "I'm Not Going Anywhere":Absent
4. "It's Been a While":Appears8. "I Thought You Were Stronger":Absent
Guardians of the Globe (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.