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Welcome to our Feet and Inches to cm conversion calculator.
Here you will find our online math calculator to help you to convert lengths from inches and feet into cm.
You can also choose your own degree of accuracy.
Convert Feet and inches to cm calculator
How It Works
Here is our feet and inches to cm conversion calculatorwhich will help you convert from feet and inches into cm.
The converter will also show you the formula you need to convert between units.
How It Works...
Step 1) Type in the length in feet and inches.
Step 2) (Optional) - choose what accuracy you want your answer - the default is 1 decimal place.
Step 3) Click the Convert button and the answer will be displayed.
How to convert from feet and inches into cm
How to convert from feet and inches to cm
Step 1) Convert the feet into inches.
1 foot = 12 inches, so we need to multiply the amount of feet by 12.
Step 2) Find the total number of inches by adding the number from Step 1) to the number of inches.
Step 3) Multiply this number by 2.54 (because 1 inch = 2.54 cm)
1) Convert 4 foot 8 inches into cm.
Step 1) We need to convert 4 foot into inches.
4 x 12 = 48 inches
Step 2) We need to find the total number of inches.
48 + 8 = 56 inches
Step 3) We need to convert this to cm by multiplying by 2.54
56 x 2.54 = 142.24 cm
So 4 foot 8 inches = 142.2cm (to 1dp).
2) Convert 3 foot 5 inches to cm.
Step 1) Convert the feet to inches.
3 x 12 = 36 inches
Step 2) Find the total number of inches.
36 + 5 = 41 inches
Step 3) Convert this to cm by multiplying by 2.54
41 x 2.54 = 104.14 cm
So 3 foot 5 inches = 104.14 cm.
Common Conversions Facts feet and inches to cm
Here are some a few quick simple conversion facts from feet to inches.
- 1 foot = 12 inches = 30.48 cm
- 2 feet = 24 inches = 60.96 cm
- 3 feet = 36 inches = 91.44 cm
- 4 feet = 48 inches = 121.92 cm
- 5 feet = 60 inches = 152.4 cm
- 6 feet = 72 inches = 182.88
- 7 feet = 84 inches = 213.36 cm
- 10 feet = 120 inches = 304.8 cm
- 100 feet = 1200 inches = 3048 cm
Here are some a few quick simple conversion facts from inches to cm.
- 1 in = 2.54 cm
- 2 in = 5.08 cm
- 10 in = 25.4 cm
- 100 in = 254 cm
- 1000 in = 2,540 cm
More Recommended Math Resources
Take a look at some more of our resources similar to our mm to inches conversion calculator.
Other Related Math Calculators
Our conversion calculators will help you to convert between units of measure.
We have a range of calculators so that it is easy to select the type of measures you want to convert.
Length Conversion Calculator
Our length calculators will allow you to convert between a much larger range of different lengths including km, m, cm, mm, inches, feet, yards and miles.
- Length Converter Calculator
Area Conversion Calculator
Our area calculators will allow you to convert between a range of different areas including sq. km, sq. m, sq. cm, acres, hectares, sq. inches, sq. feet, sq. yards and sq. miles.
- Area Converter Calculator
Weight Conversion Calculator
Our unit converter weight calculator will allow you to convert between a range of different weights including g, mg, kg, oz, lb and tons.
- Weight Converter Calculator
Speed Conversion Calculator
Our speed converter calculator will allow you to convert between a range of different speeds including mph, kph, m/s, fps, ips and knots.
- Speed Converter Calculator
Popular Conversion Calculators
Here are some of our specific online calculators for converting between two units of measure.
Length Calculators
- mm to inches converter
- cm to inches converter
- height conversion calculator
Weight Calculators
- convert kg to lbs calculator
Speed Calculators
- kph to mph conversion
- mph to kph conversion calculator
- knots to mph conversion
- mph to knots conversion
Time Calculators
- convert hours to seconds
- hours and minutes calculator
Metric to Standard Conversion Charts (US)
The following web information page is all about convertingmeasurements from metric to standard units.
- Metric to Standard Conversion Chart
Online Length Conversion Check
Every effort has been made to ensure that the Length Conversion calculator on this page is as accurate as possible.
If you wish to double check that the conversion that you wish to make is correct,or if the conversion that you are looking for is not here, use the link belowwhich will open an online conversion checker in a new browsing window.
This online converter deals with many more types of measurement units.
Using the link below will open the onlineconversion checker in a new browswer window.
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